Presentation at APAN56
In APAN56 APAN56(the 56th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Advanced Network) held on Aug. 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the following presentation reporting the progress of the research on data infrastructure was conducted. In the talk, the progress report of the research being conducted to enhance ONION, the data aggregation infrastructure in Osaka University was […]
Research Presentation at SwoPP2023
In SwoPP2023 held in Hakodate in Aug.2-4 2023, the following research achievement was presented by Mr.Yujiro Ishida, a researcher in this joint research laboratory. 石田祐二郎, 細見岳生, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “ロングベクトル環境におけるプロファイルを用いた自動ベクトル化技術”, SWoPP2023, Aug. 2023. (presented in Japanese) Presentation snapshot: Venue:
Faculty position available (Specially-Appointed Associate Professor(full-time))
The following posting was closed. -- The following faculty position is now available. The deadline of the application to this job opportunity is Aug. 31, 2023. Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Full-Time) 1 position, Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis, Cybermedia Center, Osaka University. [application guideline] Also, the detail […]
Poster presentation at xsig2023
In xsig2023(cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programminG) held in Hakodate on Aug.2, 2023, the following poster presentation was conducted by Mr. Yuta Mamiki, a researcher in this joint research labo. 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “研究データ管理のための透過的な来歴記録システムにおける eBPF の活用”, xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures and Programming) 2023, 函 館, Aug. 2023. (presented in […]