Participation in the Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing 2024 (SWoPP 2024)

On August 7-9, 2024, Dr. Takashi Soga, Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, Mr. Yuta Namiki and Mr. Ryota Shimouchi in this joint research laboratory, will be participating in the Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing 2024 (SWoPP 2024)  held at Awagin Hall in Tokushima-city. They will be giving a presentation as below: 曽我隆,細見岳生,山下晃弘,伊達進, "ヤコビ法ループにおけるスレッドオーバーラップの評価" 田主 英之, […]

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Joint Research Labo's Result Briefing for 1st Term

On 17 April in 2024, this joint research laboratory's result briefing for the 1st term (2021.05 - 2024.04) was held under the following program. For the invited talk, Dr. Hiroshi Furutani was invited. We appreciate all of attendee for participating in this event. We will continue on research and development as well as human nurturing. […]

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Research Presentation at HPC193

In HPC193 held in Hokkaido University on March.18-19 2024, Dr. Takashi Soga gave the following talk on our research result. 曽我隆, 下内良太, 細見岳生, 高橋慧智, 滝沢寛之, 伊達 進, “共有メモリ並列ユーザのための並列化手法の研究”, Information Processing Society of Japan HPC193 2024-HPC-193 No.26 1-7 2024.

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Invited talk at AXIES2023

In AXIES2023 held at Nagoya Congress Center from December 13 to 15, 2023, Dr. Takeo Hosomi gave the following talk on our research result. 細見岳生, "計算・分析 来歴情報の自動採取と活用", AXIES2023, Nagoya, Dec. 2023 (in Japanese)   Talk by Dr. Hosomi:

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Invited talk at WSSP36

In WSSP36 (36th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance) on Dec. 11-12 in 2023, Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, a researcher in this joint research laboratory, gave the following talk. Hideyuki Tanushi, "Future Direction of Osaka University’s Data Infrastructure towards Open Science", 36th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Sendai, Dec. 2023. Mr. Tanushi's talk: Rewards:

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Invited Talk at NEA2023

The following invited talks were conducted by this joint research labo. members in The Northeast Asia Symposium 2023 (The International Conference of New Generation Databases and Data-Empowering Technologies) held at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Mr. Tanushi's Invited talk at NEA2023. Susumu Date, "ONION, a data aggregation infrastructure for Accelerating HPC and AI Research", The […]

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Press Release
Osaka University and NEC will demonstrate and exhibit a jointly developed data aggregation platform at SC23 in Denver

Newly developed data infrastructure for accelerating Open Science through industry-university collaboration in Japan Osaka University and NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701) are moving forward with efforts to realize a data infrastructure supporting Open Science. In 2021, The Joint Research Laboratory for Integrated Infrastructure of High Performance Computing and Data Analysis was established within the Cybermedia […]

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Mr. Yuta Namiki gave a presentation in IEEE eScience2023

In 19th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2023) held in Limmassol, Cyprus in Oct. 9-13, 2023, Mr. Yuta Namiki, a researcher in this joint research laboratory, gave a presentation on the following paper. Y. Namiki, T. Hosomi, H. Tanushi, A. Yamashita and S. Date, "A Method for Constructing Research Data Provenance in High-Performance Computing […]

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Presentation at 4GRP

The following presentation was conducted by Dr. Susumu Date in The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) held in Limassol, Cyprus in October 2023. The talk was about the research activities towards RED ONION. Susumu Date, "Advanced Infrastructure for Science", The 4th Global Research Platform Workshop, Limassol, Cyprus, Oct. 2023. Presentation: Reward:

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Invited Talk at PCCC workshop

Dr. Susumu Date gave the following invited talk in PC Cluster Consortium Workshop ”Front line of HPC Cloud" on Oct. 4 2023. 伊達 進, "クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題", PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 九州大学, 2023年10月.

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