Research Presentation at Axies2024
In Axies 2024 held in the Nara Prefectural Convention Center from Dec. 10 to Dec. 12, Dr. Takashi Soga (Specially Appointed Associate Professor) gave a presentation on Performance tuning of AlphaFold2. Also, Dr. Soga served as the session chair for HPC Technology session 2 in Axies 2024. 曽我 隆, 寺前勇希, 山口健太, 川崎隆矢, 伊達 進, "AlphaFold2 […]
Research exhibit at SC2024
We showcased the research results and achievements of this joint research laboratory at the research booth set by D3 Center at Osaka University in SC2024. SC2024 was held in Atlanta, GA in November 2024. From this joint research labo the following two posters were showcased. * Provenance Recording System / Metadata Management for Experimental Data […]
Presentation at Hitotsubashi Retreat 2024_10
On October 22, 2024, Mr. Yu Ikeo, in Advanced High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Systems Research Division, presented his Master project at Hitotsubashi Retreat 2024_10 held at National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo. Yu Ikeo: Data and Computing Infrastructure Collaboration Using ONION and mdxII
Research Presentation at PRAGMA 40
Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi in this joint research laboratory gave a talk at PRAGMA 40 held in USM, Penang in Malaysia on October 11 2024 about an overview of ONION and the collaboration with Osaka University Dental Hospital. Speaker: Hideyuki Tanushi Title: The Development of Data Infrastructure for the Advancement of Open Science
Keynote at PRAGMA 40
On Oct. 10 in 2024, Dr. Susumu Date provided the following keynote at PRAGMA 40 held in USM, Penang in Malaysia. Speaker: Susumu Date Title: Challenges towards Research Data Infrastructure for Accelerating Open Science
Presentation at NRDPISI-1
On September 17, 2024, Dr. Susumu Date and Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, in this joint research laboratory, presented the following keynote speech and paper, respectively, at the 1st International Workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments (NRDPISI-1). The workshop was held in conjunction with IEEE eScience 2024 at Senri Life Science Center in […]
Presentation at 5GRP
The following presentation was conducted by Dr. Susumu Date in The 5th Global Research Platform (5GRP) held in Osaka, Japn in September 2024. Current status and progress towards the RED ONION project was reported. Susumu Date, “Overview and Progress of the RED ONION Project”, The 5th Global Research Platform Workshop, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2024. snapshot […]
Joint Research Labo's Result Briefing for 1st Term
On 17 April in 2024, this joint research laboratory's result briefing for the 1st term (2021.05 - 2024.04) was held under the following program. For the invited talk, Dr. Hiroshi Furutani was invited. We appreciate all of attendee for participating in this event. We will continue on research and development as well as human nurturing. […]
Research Presentation at HPC193
In HPC193 held in Hokkaido University on March.18-19 2024, Dr. Takashi Soga gave the following talk on our research result. 曽我隆, 下内良太, 細見岳生, 高橋慧智, 滝沢寛之, 伊達 進, “共有メモリ並列ユーザのための並列化手法の研究”, Information Processing Society of Japan HPC193 2024-HPC-193 No.26 1-7 2024.
Invited talk at AXIES2023
In AXIES2023 held at Nagoya Congress Center from December 13 to 15, 2023, Dr. Takeo Hosomi gave the following talk on our research result. 細見岳生, "計算・分析 来歴情報の自動採取と活用", AXIES2023, Nagoya, Dec. 2023 (in Japanese) Talk by Dr. Hosomi: