Participation in the "Developing a Research Data Ecosystem for the Promotion of Data-Driven Science. Platform Collaboration Team Takarazuka Retreat 2023" (Takarazuka Retreat 2023)
On October 2-3, 2023, Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, a specially appointed researcher in this joint research laboratory, will be participating in the "Developing a Research Data Ecosystem for the Promotion of Data-Driven Science. Platform Collaboration Team Takarazuka Retreat 2023" (Takarazuka Retreat 2023) hosted by RIKEN and Osaka University at the Takarazuka Washington Hotel. The retreat brings […]
Paper presentation at FIT2023
Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, a specially appointed researcher in this joint research laboratory, gave the following presentation. 田主 英之, 山下 晃弘, 細見 岳生, 並木 悠太, 甲斐 尚人, 伊達 進, "大阪大学におけるONIONを中心としたデータ管理基盤整備にむけて", FIT2023, Sept. 2023. Snapshot: