Participation in the "Developing a Research Data Ecosystem for the Promotion of Data-Driven Science. Platform Collaboration Team Takarazuka Retreat 2023" (Takarazuka Retreat 2023)

On October 2-3, 2023, Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, a specially appointed researcher in this joint research laboratory, will be participating in the "Developing a Research Data Ecosystem for the Promotion of Data-Driven Science. Platform Collaboration Team Takarazuka Retreat 2023" (Takarazuka Retreat 2023) hosted by RIKEN and Osaka University at the Takarazuka Washington Hotel.

The retreat brings together information scientists, experimental researchers, research managers, and technical staff from RIKEN, Osaka University, Nagoya University, the University of Tokyo, and the National Institute of Informatics. Participants will be discussing the future path and direction of information infrastructure, data ecosystem, and frameworks based on case studies and research environments in research data management and research data utilization.


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