[International Conference (w/ review)]
- Hideyuki Tanushi, Hiroshi Furutani, Takeo Hosomi, Naoto Kai, Kaname Harumoto and Susumu Date, “Towards Development of University-wide Data Aggregation and Management Infrastructure for Research Data Utilization”, NRDPISI-1, eScience2024, Osaka Japan, Sep. 2024. [DOI: 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678692]
[Internal Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
- Hideyuki Tanushi, "The Development of Data Infrastructure for the Advancement of Open Science", PRAGMA 40, Penang, Malaysia Oct. 2024.
- Susumu Date, “Challenges towards Research Data Infrastructure for Accelerating Open Science”, PRAGMA 40, Penang, Malaysia Oct. 2024.[Keynote speech: Invited]
- Susumu Date, “Aggregation of Computing and Data Infrastructure for Highly Productive Data Scientific Research”, The 1st internationaL workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments, Osaka, Jpaan, Sep. 2024.[Keynote speech: Invited]
- Susumu Date, “Overview and Progress of the RED ONION Project”, The 5th Global Research Platform Workshop, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2024.
- Susumu Date, “Aim and Strategy of mdx2, IaaS-typed Computing Infrastructure”, 37th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2024. (invited)
- Susumu Date, “Introduction of mdxⅡ, a new cloud infrastructure deployed at Osaka University”, NUG2024, Hamburg, Germany, June 2024.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
- 曽我 隆, 寺前勇希, 山口健太, 川崎隆矢, 伊達 進, "AlphaFold2 最適化の取り組み", Axies 2024, pp.162-166, 奈良, Dec. 2024.
- 曽我 隆, 細見岳生, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “ヤコビ法ループにおけるスレッドオーバーラップの評価”, SWoPP2024, 徳島, Aug. 2024.
[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
- 下内良太, 河口真一, 曽我 隆, 山口健太, 川崎隆矢, 伊達 進, “AlphaFold2における構造最適化ステップの高速化, xsig2024, 徳島, Aug. 2024.
[Academic Conf. Management and so on]
- Hideyuki Tanushi, Travel/Visa Chair, The 20th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2024), Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2024.
- Takashi Soga, Venue and Finance Chair, The 20th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2024), Osaka, Japan, Sep.2024.
- Akihiro Yamashita, Venue and Finance Chair, The 20th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2024), Osaka, Japan, Sep.2024.
- Hideyuki Tanushi, Akihiro Yamashita, Takeo Hosomi, Yuta Namiki, Naoto Kai, Kanna Matsuura, Susumu Date, "Campus Information Infrastructure Collaboration Supporting Research Data Management", Journal for Academic Computing and Netwoking, 2023. [DOI: 10.24669/jacn.27.1_98]
[International Conference (w/ review)]
- Yuta Namiki, Takeo Hosomi, Hideyuki Tanushi, Akihiro Yamashita, Susumu Date, "A Method for Constructing Research Data Provenance in High-Performance Computing Systems", IEEE eScience 2023, Limassol, Cyprus, Oct. 2023. [DOI:10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254932]
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
- Hideyuki Tanushi, "Future Direction of Osaka University’s Data Infrastructure towards Open Science", 36th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Sendai, Dec. 2023.
- Susumu Date, "ONION, a data aggregation infrastructure for Accelerating HPC and AI Research", The Northeast Asia Symposium 2023 (The International Conference of New Generation Databases and Data-Empowering Technologies), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.(Invited)
- Hideyuki Tanushi, "Data Infrastructure Collaboration (ONION-OUKA) towards Open Science", The Northeast Asia Symposium 2023 (The International Conference of New Generation Databases and Data-Empowering Technologies), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2023. (Invited)
- Susumu Date, "Update of RED ONION using DTN solution in Osaka University", Asia Pacific Research Platform WG, The 56th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN56), Aug. 2023.
- Susumu Date, Shingo Kawamoto, Takeo Hosomi, Akihiro Yamashita, Seiji Yasuda, Lee Chonho, “Adaptive Job Scheduler Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cloud-bursting Environment”, NUG Society Meeting XXXIV(NUG2023), Offenbach and Ludwigshafen, Germany, Jun. 2023.
- Susumu Date, "Towards Science DMZ based on Accelerated ONION using DTN", The 35th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Stuttgart, Germany, Apr. 2023.
[Domestic Conference Paper in Japan]
- 曽我隆, 下内良太, 細見岳生, 高橋慧智, 滝沢寛之, 伊達 進, “共有メモリ並列ユーザのための並列化手法の研究”,情報処理学会第193回ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会, 2024-HPC-193, No.26 1-7, Mar. 2024.
- 田主 英之, 山下 晃弘, 細見 岳生, 並木 悠太, 甲斐 尚人, 伊達 進, "大阪大学におけるONIONを中心としたデータ管理基盤整備にむけて", FIT2023, Sept. 2023.
- 石田祐二郎, 細見岳生, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “ロングベクトル環境におけるプロファイルを用いた自動ベクトル化技術”, SWoPP2023, Aug. 2023.(発表予定)
- 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, “研究データ管理のための透過的な来歴記録システムにおける eBPF の活用”, xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures and Programming) 2023, 函館, Aug. 2023.
[Domestic Conference (Oral presentation, poster) in Japan]
- 伊達 進, “歯学医療データ meets HPC & AI 基盤 ~大阪大学の事例~”, 第43回医療情報学連合大会, 神戸, 2023年11月.
- 伊達 進, "クラウドバースティングの実際運用に向けた課題", PCクラスタコンソーシアム HPCクラウド部会主催 第1回ワークショップ「HPCクラウド最前線」, 九州大学, 2023年10月. (Invited)
[International Conference (Oral presentation, poster)]
- Susumu Date, “Accelerated ONION based on DTN Experience”, 55th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting, (APAN 55), Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar. 2023.
- Susumu Date, “Accelerated ONION based on DTN Experience”, Mini Global Research Platform Workshop, Supercomputing Asia 2023 (SCAsia2023), Singapore, Mar. 2023.
- Shingo Kawamoto, Takeo Hosomi, Seiju Yasuda, Chonho Lee, Akihiro Yamashita, and Susumu Date, “Implementation of Reinforcement Learning in Job Scheduler Slurm”, The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'22), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2022.(poster)
- Yujiro Ishida, Takeo Hosomi Akihiro Yamashita, and Susumu Date, “Towards Profile Guided Source to Source Transformations for Vector Optimizations on SX-Aurora TSUBASA”, The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'22), Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2022. (poster)
- Susumu Date, “Osaka University’s Data Aggregation Infrastructure for Supporting Data-intensive Science”, 34th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, Tohoku University, Oct. 2022.
- Susumu Date, “Research Experiences of an On-Time Data Transfer Framework in Cooperation with Scheduler System and Future Directions”, The 3rd Global Research Platform Workshop (3GRP), Salt Lake, Oct. 2022.
- Yuta Namiki, Takeo Hosomi, AKihiro Yamashita, Susumu Date, “Concept of a File Tracing Mechanism for Research Data Management in High Performance Computing System”, Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany, May 23rd – 24th, 2022.
- Susumu Date, “Aim and Concept of ONION, the Data Aggregation Infrastructure at Osaka University”, NUG Society Meeting XXXII, Prague Czech Republic, May 2022.
[Domestic Conference Paper (in Japan)]
- 並木悠太, 細見岳生, 田主英之, 片岡直記, 山下晃弘, 伊達 進, "高性能計算機システムにおける研究データ管理のための来歴記録システムの実現に向けて", 大学ICT推進協議会 2021年度年次大会, Dec. 2022.
- 伊達 進, “サイバーメディアセンターの ONION 戦略”, 第 6 回ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタル シンポジウム, 大阪, Mar. 2023.(japanese)
- 伊達 進, 山下晃弘, “大阪大学サイバーメディアセンター大規模計算機システムの産業利用制度の拡充にむけた取り組み”, 第3回HPCIフォーラム スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」 産業利用の広場, Nov. 2022.(japanese)
- 伊達 進, “健康DX研究領域 ー健康増進学習にむけてー”, 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構DX社会研究部門キックオフシンポジウム, 大阪, 2022年6月.(Japanese)
- 伊達 進, "SQUID/OCTOPUS クラウドバースティングの現状と課題", PCクラスタワークショップin 神戸2022 「クラウドとHPC」, 神戸, 2022年6月.(Japanese)
- Yuta Namiki, Panelist, Panel Discussion "How supercomputing and data management should be interacted?", Cyber HPC Symsposium 2022, March 2022(invited).
[International Conference (w/ review)]
- Seiju Yasuda, Chonho Lee and Susumu Date, “An Adaptive Cloud Bursting Job Scheduler based on Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE HPBD&IS 2021, Macau, China, Dec.2021. [DOI: 10.1109/HPBDIS53214.2021.9658447]
- 伊達 進, “データ集約基盤ONIONの概要と今後の展開”, Cyber HPC Symposium 2022, Osaka, Japan, March 2022 (online format: Japanese).
- 伊達進, “SQUID+ONION=? 〜スーパーコンピューティングとデータ集約基盤の相乗効果への期待〜”, 第5回ソーシャル・スマートデンタルホスピタル シンポジウム, Osaka, Japan, March 2022 (online format:Japanese)