Presentation at NRDPISI-1

On September 17, 2024, Dr. Susumu Date and Mr. Hideyuki Tanushi, in this joint research laboratory, presented the following keynote speech and paper, respectively, at the 1st International Workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments (NRDPISI-1). The workshop was held in conjunction with IEEE eScience 2024 at Senri Life Science Center in Toyonaka.

Susumu Date, "Aggregation of Computing and Data Infrastructure for Highly Productive Data Scientific Research", The 1st International Workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2024.

Hideyuki Tanushi, Hiroshi Furutani, Takeo Hosomi, Naoto Kai, Kaname Harimoto, Susumu Date, "Towards Development of University-wide Data Aggregation and Management Infrastructure for Research Data Utilization", The 1st International Workshop on Near Real-time Data Processing for Interconnected Scientific Instruments, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2024.


Snapshot at keynote:

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